How Do SEO Strategies Impact Ecommerce Listing Optimization?

SEO Strategies Impact Ecommerce Listing Optimization

How Do SEO Strategies Impact Ecommerce Listing Optimization?

New ecommerce operators or platforms are coming online every day. The competition for customer attention is only getting stiffer. That is just one of the reasons listing optimization is so important. Optimizing listings is not enough by itself. Ecommerce operators need to employ sound SEO strategies to maintain an edge.

Do you know how sound SEO strategies impact ecommerce listing optimization? As listing optimization experts, we can help you understand and apply SEO best practices for ecommerce. Once you know how it all works, you can utilize sound strategies to improve your search engine performance.

The Basics of SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) isn’t hard to understand, in principle. It is essentially the practice of utilizing key strategies in order to ensure that a particular website or page ranks higher than others on search engine results pages (SERPs). To put it even more simply, you want your website to be at the top of the list when a web user searches for the products you sell.

By improving your overall website performance and visibility on search engines through higher quality content and keyword search relevancy, you are creating a better search experience. Your content gets noticed by search engines and they will deliver more (unpaid) organic traffic to your website. The higher the user count to your website, the higher your website will rank for specific keyword searches. More traffic means more customers and brand awareness. Once indexed, you could start selling on autopilot.

SEO is designed to accomplish just that. SEO helps improve your website ranking position. Online marketers and SEO specialists utilize a range of strategies and tools based on a website’s particular needs. They can be divided into the categories of on-site and off-site optimization…all necessary elements in ecommerce. By employing these techniques along with technical SEO, content updates and creation, link building, and more, search engines learn exactly what your website is about. If you provide great content and relevant information, your website will meet ranking criteria and you will be indexed to show in search results.

Keywords are the Foundation

Search engines rely on a variety of metrics to rank pages for organic searches. The foundation of all of them is the tried-and-true keyword. Since the very first search engines, keywords have played the most critical role of all ranking metrics.

What does this tell you as an ecommerce operator? It tells you what every ecommerce listing optimization expert has known for years: keyword research is critical to your SEO success.

Keyword research tells you exactly what words and phrases your customers are using when they are searching for your products. The biggest difference between ecommerce SEO and general SEO is the types of keywords and phrases web users use for their searches.

Online shoppers are searching for more than general information, how-to guides or FAQs. They are searching for products. They might search for specific brand names or models. They might search for a general category of products. Either way, the keywords and phrases they choose tend to be very specific. This is why keyword research is so important.

Optimizing from Multiple Search Engines

On-site, off-site, and technical optimization pertain to elements on your website. This includes:

  • creating and optimizing quality content
  • keywords and tags (on-site)
  • optimizing back links
  • internal page linking (off-site)
  • improving the overall site/server performance
  • security
  • page speed
  • mobile friendliness (technical)

These strategies will build on your website indexing efficiency for search engines, improving your SERP performance and boosting organic search and rankings.

Optimizing Product Search on other Platforms

For ecommerce on other marketplaces, there is an additional factor to consider – where as an ecommerce operator do you actually sell?. As Amazon listing optimization experts, many of our clients sell exclusively through Amazon. Their listings need to be optimized for Amazon’s on-site search engine. While their listings must be optimized for Amazon, they also need to be optimized for Google, Bing, etc.

It turns out that the Amazon A10/upgraded search engine works a little bit differently.

What is Amazon SEO and why is it important?

Unlike other search tools, Amazon’s search engine was built around products and shopping. If you are an Amazon seller, you understand the value of having more sales through improved product visibility and ranking. The Amazon A10 algorithm matches buyer search queries and shows them the most relevant product listings. Product listings that are SEO ready are more likely to appear on top result pages garnering the most views, traffic rates, sales and profit.

Their algorithm chooses whether you win the Buy Box and where your listings appear in search results. Optimizing your listings on Amazon will help you rank higher in product searches. Furthermore, they consider seller authority, sales history, seller feedback, return rate, product range, and other factors. 

This means that the ecommerce SEO expert needs to be able to optimize listings for both types of search engines. Getting it right requires an extra dose of knowledge and a lot of experience.

Inseparable from SEO

The TL;DR version is that listing optimization is really inseparable from ecommerce SEO. You cannot have one without the other. We offer both in relation to Amazon listing optimization services. We can also help even if you don’t sell on Amazon. If you would like to know how, give us a shout.