Amazon Account Suspension: Why Even a Short Suspension Is Bad
We know that even a short suspension is bad. That’s why we offer an Amazon account suspension service designed to help e-commerce sellers get back online as quickly as possible. Being suspended from Amazon can do a lot of harm in a short amount of time especially when it is a seller’s only sales outlet.
A few months back, we published a post explaining why Amazon suspends thousands of accounts every year. It is a good read, especially if you want to better understand how you can avoid suspension. Sometimes, there are unforeseen issues you can’t avoid, and you need help right now if your account has already been suspended.
You Are Losing Sales
Revenue and profit are often the first things that come to mind at this point. That is understandable. But there is something else you should know: a crucial factor in Amazon’s on-site search results is product sales. The more frequently a particular item sells, the higher it appears on Amazon search engine result pages (SERPs).
Painfully obvious, getting suspended from Amazon means you are losing sales. An Amazon reinstatement specialist can help you turn things around. The longer you wait to get started (or the more times you mess it up on your own), the more sales are potentially going to competitors.
Every sale you are not getting is impacting how well your products perform. Likewise, every lost sale that goes to a competitor helps that competitor’s search performance.
You Are Losing Profits Too
Although this next point seems like something Capt. Obvious would say, it still bears mentioning here: lost sales translate to lost profits. If you are like most e-commerce sellers, your margins are pretty tight. You need to keep them under control in order to effectively compete on Amazon. That being the case, you really cannot afford to let your profits suffer by delaying to seek help for an account suspension.
Your Reputation Is Being Damaged
Quick seller account reinstatement is a big deal to us because we know that reputations are damaged the longer accounts are suspended. Amazon doesn’t suspend accounts indiscriminately. There are usually valid reasons for them doing it, even when they seem unclear to you. None of those reasons bode well for your reputation as a seller.
Account suspension damages your seller reputation from the very moment it starts. Every day your account remains suspended is another day your reputation could be further damaged.
Lower sales can impact on your SERP performance and so can a poor seller reputation. Amazon wants to point customers to those sellers they believe will best take care of those who buy from them. If your seller reputation has taken a hit, Amazon is less likely to point customers in your direction.
Reinstatement Can Be a Drawn-Out Process
Finally, even the shortest suspension can turn into a big deal thanks to how complicated reinstatement can be. There are the rare cases when a simple message to Amazon gets an account reinstated right away. But those open and shut cases are in the minority. More often than not, the Amazon account reinstatement process is drawn-out and requires plenty of back-and-forth.
A short suspension can turn into a much longer ordeal if you don’t get on it right away. From our perspective, getting reinstated should become an Amazon seller’s full-time focus. Unless there are more critical things pressing, sellers should put all their time and energy into resolving things with Amazon.
Of course, enlisting the help of an Amazon reinstatement specialist – like Ecommsellertools – is an even better way to go. We know what it takes to resolve suspensions quickly.