When to Hire Professional Help For Your Plan of Action
Plans of Action are a part of selling on Amazon. I wish they weren’t, but unfortunately, they’re very common. I started consulting for suspensions and Plans of Action not because they are fun and enjoyable, but because they are a reality, and many sellers need help with them, whether they realize it at first or not. The process of reinstatement can be a lengthy one that requires hours of thought, research, and determination. Without the knowledge of how to navigate this process, many sellers fail to win their appeals.
In a perfect world, a template would exist on what to say to Amazon to win an appeal, but this is not a perfect world. Each individual POA is a wholly different scenario which requires a unique strategy. Therefore, it is difficult to offer blanket advice for winning an appeal.
If I were to offer one piece of advice it is this: if your POA is addressing a simple problem containing very few variables, your chances of writing a successful appeal on your own are far greater. So, what qualifies as simple? Your root cause should be 100% identifiable and quantifiable. Many appeals are not so simple. Amazon typically suspends sellers who have issues which reach deeper, and affect multiple parts of their businesses.
I don’t often recommend sellers submit more than one or two appeals on their own. Here is the main reason why: if you fail to win your appeal, it counts against you, and it will be more difficult to win, even if you have to hire an appeal service. In other words, unless you have experience in this area, you are rolling the dice by submitting your own appeals.
Let me put it to you this way, in the form of two scenarios:
*Plan A: Zero up front, but 90% chance of $5,000.00 or more in lost revenues due to your business being suspended for six weeks, with a decent chance you will lose your selling privileges indefinitely.
*Plan B: $1500.00 up front cost with a 95% chance of success. Minimal lost revenue. Greater account health overall for the long term, lessening your chances for future suspensions.
So when is the right time to hire an appeals expert? My honest answer is BEFORE your first attempt. But for certain, if you lose your first appeal, or do not hear back from Amazon, it is vital you get the second try correct. DO NOT, under any circumstances, resubmit the same POA after an initial rejection or no response.
I don’t believe in making empty promises or false guarantees. I don’t promise people I can get them reinstated, even if I almost always can. What I can promise is through the process you will receive the tools and information necessary to have a healthier business overall moving forward. And I can pull from a very successful track record from my work with clients since 2014.
I do my very best to give each seller the attention that they deserve. I care about each person I work with, even to a fault. I invest my time and energy into winning these appeals because I take the job personally.
This is how I run my own business, how I consult, and how I approach Plans of Action.
If you are confident you can win your appeal on your own, please do so. If you want a much better chance of winning, give me a shout. And for certain, if you have lost your first appeal do not hesitate to contact me.